"It's just human instinct to go with the new thing To forget that a dream takes time before it's fulfilled You're excited to start, but when it all falls apart It's easier to look somewhere new instead of rebuild By the time that you're through, it seems you've had to renew A million times, jumping to get on every train But a bit of a good thing turns into a great thing If you stick it out you'll find that better is the end" Tophouse - "Better is the End"
I left here in June 2023 after posting 99 blogs in four years. I'm back, committed to publishing on the first of each month. I'm not sure where I'm going with it, but I know I need to write. I've rested enough. I resolved the media storage issue so that it is now full instead of overfull, which means I have space for words but no photos until I decide to either delete excess media or pay for more storage.
I have an idea to research and publish a book on how abortion has made adoption rare and difficult. I also have a hypothesis that there is an unfair stigma on closed adoption and more birth mothers would choose closed adoption if it was promoted as a good and loving choice. I speculate that open adoption may be problematic for birthparents, adoptive parents and the child. I also want to write about the ethics of in vitro fertilization and surrogacy.
My goal is to see human abortion abolished. It is my hope and prayer that in my lifetime the unborn will be afforded equal protection under the law. I desire that all pregnant women be lovingly supported in their motherhood journey. The role of good fathers cannot be understated. Healthy families are foundational to a healthy society. I hope to use this space to explore and expand on these ideas.
The lyrics at the top have been on repeat in my head for weeks. They remind me of a phrase that a good rabbi I know uses often, "It's not how you start that matters, it's how you finish."
I want to finish strong, using my God-given talents for the glory of His Kingdom. You too. Don't hide behind fear, laziness or complacency. Rest is good. We all need good rest. But stick it out, get back on the horse, do what you were made to do and do it well. Which doesn't mean not making mistakes. Aim for present more than perfect and let's see where that takes us. L'chaim!