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She was stunned.

She did not consent.

She was numb.

Fear and pain consumed her.







My sad mother in a maternity ward without a babe in arms

A joyful man and woman blessed with an amazing gift--my adoptive parents

A daughter

My wonderful life

This is my story. Every mother has a story of sacrifice: to love her baby by protecting her/him or to hate her baby by destroying him/her. Oh, that every mother would choose life! Oh, that every birth mother could raise her child--and if not--that she would allow a loving adoptive family to receive them.

Mothers--whether intentionally conceived or by force, whether perfect or "demised", boy or girl, ready or not, in sickness or in health, your baby is no accident. Every baby is a gift. Wanted. Here by The Maker's design and purpose.

“You are not to sacrifice any of your children in the fire to Molech. Do not profane the name of your God; I am the LORD." ~ Leviticus 18:21

She was raped. Five weeks later she found out she was pregnant. Hear Louise's reasons for choosing LIFE for her baby. If you're dealing with an unplanned pregnancy, there is hope. You're not alone.

“I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb. ~ Jeremiah 1:5a

Beautiful perennial flower blooming in late October ~ Presque Isle, Michigan

My mother's sacrificial choice to gestate and birth me has allowed me to experience great joy in life. "Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever." Psalm 107:1


Lies, Damn Lies

"Abortion is healthcare." ~ way too many people

"We're so happy to announce: we're expecting a clump of cells!" ~ no one


This is a trendy phrase. But for some reason, when it comes to killing a baby, pro-abortion proponents ignore the science.

Ask an expert (an embryologist): a separate human life is created at conception, complete with its own unique set of DNA. Sex, eye-color, hair-color and other traits are determined at conception. By the time a women even finds out that she is pregnant (usually 3 or 4 weeks from conception), her baby’s heart is already beating.

When a couple goes to a fertility specialist, there seems to be no doubt when life begins. When a woman wants to "end a pregnancy", she knows there is a separate life inside her.

There are all too many reasons given for why killing an unborn human should be legal. None are justifiable. All are deceitful and based on selfish thinking which leads to selfish action.

For all who consider themselves "undecided" on this, shouldn't you err on the side of protecting the defenseless?


There is no question that a woman should have free choice and full control over her own body. The question is, is she choosing for only herself or is there another individual affected by her choice?

A woman does not abort her own body; she aborts someone else’s.


There is NEVER a reason that a baby in the womb has to be chemically killed or surgically dismembered.

In every situation when a pregnancy is endangering a woman’s life, the mother and baby have to be separated. A physician can always separate the mother and the baby in a way that gives them both the best chance possible. This is different from an abortion. The purpose of an abortion is to produce a dead baby, not to separate the mother and the baby.

Abortion is not a procedure done in true emergency situations. The reality is that, in an emergency, abortion is never about saving a life. It is about killing a human being, and it is never medically necessary to intentionally kill an unborn child in an abortion in order to save the life of her/his mother.


A Save!

I pray and reach out to moms and abortion workers on the public right-of-way in front of an abortion mill. The goal, to share The Good News that we can have an abundant life through Messiah Yeshua/Christ Jesus. When someone truly trusts the LORD with her/his life, she/he will not want to kill her/his baby or allow others to do so.

"For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his soul?" ~ Mark 8:36

This summer, some brothers and sisters who I am privileged to serve alongside, had the awesome blessing of seeing a mom turn away from her original intention to abort her baby.

When this happens, there is great joy--on earth and in heaven! More than anything, we hope and pray that this mom embraces the gospel and is changed for good. In addition to this, we offer support and resources so she has the material and emotional support for pregnancy and parenting or adoption.

"In the same way, I tell you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents [that is, changes his inner self—his old way of thinking, regrets past sins, lives his life in a way that proves repentance; and seeks God’s purpose for his life].” ~ Luke 15:10

This sweet momma who chose life recently reached out to the sidewalk missionary who prayed for and encouraged her to parent. Here is part of her story:

"Good morning. I wanted to update you on the baby. I have been in the hospital ever since last Friday due to the placenta previa. They think my water ruptured so they are keeping me in here until I have her. I’ve been praying everything goes well and the baby and I will be ok! Keep me in your prayers. Also I did do the registry if it’s not too late. I’m going to send it to you. I put different options on there so it’s multiples to choose from. I appreciate you and I’m so grateful u were there at the clinic that day to help me make the right decision. I truly can’t wait for her arrival 😊"

"I do have 3 children, this baby makes 4 . . . my doctor took me off work while I’ve been pregnant due to it being a high risk pregnancy. I do plan on going back to work as soon as possible but now I have to figure out babysitting arrangements. My 3 children are in school but of course the baby will be too young to go out right away . . . I’ve been struggling financially due to not working. I basically just do the best I can until I can get caught up on everything. Honestly it’s been a hard year because my daughter is a senior now and she needs so much financially this year. I’ve never had a baby shower or a registry with none of my children because I figured I’m not in need I don’t want to take anything from anyone who may be in need. Like I said this has been a rough year for my household and I am grateful for what God has blessed us with but we are struggling and I would definitely appreciate any help with getting the baby things she need. "




Abortion is no longer a federal constitutional right: it is time to repeal the FACE Act and take away the power to persecute pro-lifers. Read more about this unjust federal law HERE.

"And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him." ~ Colossians 3:17
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